This fake smiling black person above is Cory Ford. Dont bother googling him because all you will find is a picture of him and Jerry Sandusky doing The Waterboy hand slap (true story). I've known Cory for a long time, and he has always been one of the funniest people I know, however this blog post has nothing to do with him being funny or witty or even having the worst rapist stache this side of The Mississippi (also true). This blog post is a pay it forward story, it is funny in the sense that it relates back to one of my previous blogs about Homeless Entrepreneurs (check that out by the way). I copied this story from his facebook profile. Check it out and spread the word of this, its pretty amazing.
"For the first time ever walking in the city, a homeless man asked not for money but straight up asked me to buy him some food. So I said "Hell Yeah man!!! What do you want?" I think he was shocked I said yes. We walked into McDonalds and he tried to order a Big Mac but it was still breakfast. I think he was kinda disappointed. It was kinda like the scene on Big daddy but reversed. He ended up ordering a Big Breakfast and then ordered a Egg McMuffin for his "wife". I'm pretty sure there wasn't a wife. But all in all I think he was happy and I feel pretty damn good about it too, even if he did eat his "wifes" food too."
This little act may have changed this homeless mans whole day, week, or even month. Maybe now the homeless guy will stop drinking so much and harassing random strangers for change. Probably not, but its a thought. Anyhow, take notice and pay it forward.
Lastly, I figured the best way to reward Cory for this random act of kindness is to make him a celebrity of sorts. Spread the story, if you see him on the streets yell loudly that Raphael was the worst Ninja Turtle and give him a high five; he'll love this...trust me.
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