What I am about to say is going to hurt me very, very deeply. I am not going to enjoy this, and it will linger and make me feel like a traitor for a very long time. I already feel like I need to take a long hot shower just for thinking this.
There I said it. It has taken me a very long time to come to this realization. I've seen this coming for a very long time with the acquisition of all these young dynamic players (obviously Andre Miller and his atrocious haircuts don't count as young). The Nuggets, in my eyes, can beat just about any team at home with that run and gun style and their downright depth. Including Miami.
The Laker fan in me is sobbing like a toddler who didn't get McDonalds when it was promised to him. I wasn't ready for the day to come when the Nuggets would be able to consistently put the pounding on The Lakeshow. I still try and fight it. I watch the games hoping Shaq will come out of the booth, put the body on Fareed and show him how to play in the post. However, it never happens.
What instead happens is Mike D'Antoni stands on the sideline and watches the Nuggets like a jealous girlfriend. The Denver Nuggets are what D'Antoni wishes the Lakers could be, but age and talent dictate that it will never happen.
Don't get this message misconstrued. Just because I acknowledge the talent of the Nuggets, does not mean I am rooting for them. I wholeheartedly hope they do not advance pass the first round because I know my Lakers most likely won't.
I'll tell you what though, the Denver Nuggets will never be half the franchise the Lakers are. *Stuart Scott voice* HATER IN THE HOUSE
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