Have you ever been to a sporting event and witnessed the behavior deemed acceptable? It's completely hilarious but at the same time it's nonsensical. People booing other people, people throwing things, and of course people flipping the bird. Have you ever stopped to consider how this behavior would be received in the real world? I have.
What would happen if while your checking out at King Soopers, me and three of my closest friends stood behind you and screamed obscenities at you while you load your groceries on the belt? "Hurry up you lousy son of a b*tch. If it were up to me I'd trade you. You should be happy I'm not your wife, I don't know why they let you in the store!" My buddies and I are fans of the store and you're in our house. Not to mention as you leave the parking lot to take that long road trip back home, we moon you and throw eggs at your vehicle.
For better comparison, lets take it to your job, since the guys you're booing are at work.
"Hey, you sign twirling bastard, get a real job. You know McDonald's is hiring."
"Barista, you better get this coffee right. I have you on my fantasy team and this is your last chance. You mess this up and you're gonna end up like Pacman Jones; or worse...OJ Simpson. I'll call Magic Johnson himself and let him know what a shitty job you've been doing."
Even worse than the blatant stupidity displayed at games is the blatant stupidity displayed in casual sports conversation or talk radio. I've too often heard average guys talk about football or other sports like they've been there or like they truly understand what's going on. "Why did he throw the ball there? He's an idiot." This comes from a guy who was a below average junior varsity linebacker on a 2-8 team in his glory days. That's the equivalent of me coming to his IT job and talking trash. "Why did you write that code like that? Don't make me send your ass back to the matrix. An eight year old could do a better job with an abacus. I don't care if it doesn't make sense, you write that code and get it right or ill have you gone faster than a virus on a computer"
You hear how ridiculous this all sounds? You sound the exact same way in the stands, on your couch, in your car, or wherever you yell at professionals or whenever you discuss things you don't fully understand. So please do us all a favor and sit down and shut the hell up. Thank you.
Dude I mostly just root for those guys, but I know someone who threw a beer through their tv and blamed the loss of the tv on Tony Romo's poor performance...... He probably could have out played him with an arm like that. Great post..... Keep em' coming