Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Roger Goddell, We Hate you!

Im not just writing this quick blog because I happen to have Adrian Peterson on my fantasy team. I'm writing this blog because "I've had it up to here", as black parents say, with Roger Goddells shit. 
I'm sick of Roger Goddell being judge and jury. Being the decider, and basically the sole person choosing who has the right to have a career in the NFL after someone makes a mistake. I understand Ray Rice hit his wife viciously, I understand Adrian Peterson spanking his child in the manner in which he did is despicable to some people, and against the law. However, the position he has put himself and the NFL in, is one that places them above the law. One that says "we'll wait until the legal process has run it's course, then we'll take action", in some cases, and "He won't play until his legal matter is resolved" in others. I know I'm not the only person who sees the hypocrisy in those statements. By the way, who is we? In every disciplinary case, Roger is the only person making decisions. There is no panel. No jury. 
First, let's examine the Ray Rice situation. Did Goddell really not understand that Ray Rice hit his wife and knocked her out,after he was arrested for hitting his wife(girlfriend at the time), and knocking her out? Is there really a difference in the eyes of the NFL in the way you hit your wife? I guess so, because the original thought about an open hand resulting in a knockout is only worth 3 games, but a closed hand makes all the difference. GTFOH! (Even I have cursing limits, I know...laughable). This whole thing makes me wonder how the NFLPA ever agreed to this crazy process. As well as those lawyers are paid, not a single one thought a panel of ones peers would be a good idea in making such career changing decisions? As opposed to some suit, that isn't from where these employees are from, or has nearly as much to lose? I could've thought of that, collectively bargained that, and I've only taken the LSAT once with so so results. I mean damn, I don't have to see the chicken cooking in the kitchen if I can smell it when I come in the door to know its chicken cooking! You feel me. What I'm sayings is(misspellings intentional), we's coulda seen this coming from fars away sur(pronounced like sir). Damn near smelled it. 
Anyway, back to Goddell. We all know what this is about, public relations and moms perceptions of the NFL. Goddell is trying to secure fans, and look out for the future of the league. He is trying to keep the US different from the rest of the world. He wants to keep Americas best athletes playing football because this makes for a better product. Imagine if the league was full of average athletes, like the MLS is. Who would watch? Who would tailgate, spend enormous amounts on tickets, crazy amounts on beers, hot dogs, beers, margaritas and beers? No one. Because I can watch par athletes play football weekly at my local YMCA every Saturday for free and be entertained. Not to mention the price and selection of beer is better. 
The NFL is going to have to get away from Roger Goddel being the sole decision maker in these cases. Not only is it more of a fair process, but it also allows to league to save face in instances like when the Ray Rice video came out. But as of now, Roger Goddell is good for two things...
1) Ruining Black guys careers
2) Ruining white guys fantasy football teams (present company excluded)


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