I don't think its a stretch to say that all child molesters look the same. I actually think its a fairly accurate stereotyping. The same way black people are usually better athletes, asians are great at math, and white people are usually racist (not my words, just playing the percentages haha). I think there should be a guy who goes around just looking for future child molesters and arresting them before they have a chance to commit the crime. Not all those that look like child molesters would actually be child molesters but isn't it worth it to lock them all up just in case.
The guy who does the arresting could be like a Tom Cruise type in "Minority Report". He goes to arrest this guy like 10 years ago. "James Swets, you are under arrest for the future molesting of at least 4 or 5 young girls" (judging by the way he looks the amount of future molestations could change). "You have the right to say nothing and when you go to prison you will become someones bitch." It wouldn't be a perfect system but neither is assuming that 7 out of 10 black guys can dunk. It's real similar to the way baseball teams have these baseball facilities in the Dominican. I would say 10 out of 10 Dominicans are amazing baseball players. FYI Dominicans are black people who speak Spanish.
Anyway, this guy above is a sexual predator and works at a zoo. Might as well work at a daycare where the kids go unsupervised, where there are hidden sex rooms. Heres the story.