After yesterdays comeback win against The Miami Dolphins I would like to congratulate The Denver Tim Tebows and the fans of the Tebows. I was fully content for 3 1/2 quarters yesterday until the Miami Dolphins packed it in. They stopped blitzing and started playing the prevent defense, (you know what they say about the prevent...It prevents you from winning), aka soft zone defense and what began to happen? Tebow was resurrected like Jesus on Easter. I guess its fitting with the colors of the Dolphins Jerseys accompanied by the pink of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Either way, as I watched The Broncos/Tebows march down the field I was thinking to myself "if they come back I won't know how to handle it. I will probably kill myself from the sheer discontent with the way the world works. I am not ready for what this world, with Tebow winning games, has to offer". As I plotted the best way of killing myself I thought back to that scene in Shawshank Redemption where Brooks kills himself. What a better way to die than to hang yourself and leave a note engraved so people can always be haunted by your ghost? (Sarcasm is heavy round these parts)
As I prepared to end my life, I began to tie all my shoe strings together in a Man vs Wild fashion, (S/O to Bear Grylls for keeping my fridays in Hays, Kansas exciting), I began to cry. Not tears of sadness but tears of joy. I began to realize that there are many more games left in this season. Timothy Richard Tebow has a lot more opportunities for success, but more importantly, opportunities for FAILURE. And who will be there to kick him when he's down? ME. I want to take this opportunity to thank Josh Mcdaniels for bringing this fate to me. If it weren't for your stupidity none of this would have happened. Also for that...I love you. I will be writing a celebration blog every monday after the Broncos lose. Never have I wanted some to fail so bad. More than George Bush even!!!
Scene from Shawshank
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