How often do girls get pissed off because there are double standards in life? No need to answer because I'll answer it for you. ALL THE TIME. Only when girls develop into women do they begin to understand why this happens. Most of you females who are reading this aren't women yet and thus don't understand what I will be saying in the next few paragraphs. Don't get mad either, its just the truth.
The reason for double standards are simple. Girls get pregnant, guys don't. This is the first reason that guys get away with things that girls don't. Like sleeping with lots of different people and it not being a big deal. Guys get called players and girls get called sluts for this one reason. When a guy whores around the most he can come home with is an STD. Girls can come home with an STD, a baby and a game of Clue (trying to figure out who the dad is). If you get pregnant you can be called a slut, with this logic no guy can ever be called a slut. I don't make the rules I just follow them so don't get mad at me.
Another reason for this is just the pure anatomy of it all. Guys have penises, girls have vaginas. One sticks out, the other one doesn't. When one gets dirty it is farely easy to clean, the other...not so much. Think of it this way. When you eat in your car what happens? You get crumbs everywhere, you might spill a drink on the seats or the carpet and make the dashboard sticky. How easy is the interior of a car to clean...? Pretty damn difficult. If you don't believe me go to your car and try to get all the old french fries out the cracks and old bread crumbs vacuumed up between the seats. What about the exterior of your car? Easy right. You just go to the car wash pay a few bucks and a machine can do it all for you while you listen to some new Drake. Of course if you want it to be super clean, you shine the rims and all that but its still less tedious than cleaning the interior. What i'm saying is that its easy for us to fathom a dude who sleeps around keeping his junk clean, but a girl who does the same thing...we think she has french fries everywhere and red soda on her carpets. And that shit doesn't come out, I don't care how hard you scrub.
So if you have kids think about this. Inform your kids of this. In no way am I saying that its okay for guys to be whores, but is it easier to forget about. Absolutely.
P.S. I choose Madonnas picture because she is one of the most famous sleezies of her time.
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