Lets be real people. In my expert opinion Michael Jackson was dead long before that Propofol was injected in his system. Look at the man on the right, thats not MJ. I don't know who that ghostly figure is or where it came from but it needs to have its face worked on. All jokes aside, why are we so quick to place the blame on Conrad Murray? If he didn't give MJ that dose of sleeping medicine then someone else would have. We all know that money talks and people will do anything to have a conversation with Ben Franklin. I'm almost certain that MJ knew the risk he was taking putting that stuff in his body and anyone who says otherwise is being naive.
Conrad Murray is no more guilty than the rest of the staff that MJ employed for letting this happen. He got what he wanted when he wanted it because he had money and authority because of his celebrity. Now that Conrad Murray has been convicted what resolve have we come to? Better yet consider how many more lives have been ruined. We point the finger because its easier than taking responsibility or placing the blame where it belongs.
Does Murray deserve some blame, absolutely. But enough to be convicted of killing MJ??? Thats not for me to decide because its already been decided in a court. For those of you that are content with the way the justice system works, think back to the case of Troy Davis. They rarely get it right.
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