These poor ugly people. Have you ever considered how much more difficult life is for an ugly person than it is for a good looking person? Think about it, how often has someone whom you deem good looking just done something incredibly dumb, mean, vindictive, etc; and they just get away with it. Perfect example Kim Kardashian, she made a sex tape and it was all over the world. However, because she is good looking we are fast to forgive her. What about if Rachel Dratch made a sex tape?
We would crucify her and her career would never recover. Not for Kim though, she turned some cunnilingus into a career on tv. Completely unfair. Think about how much more personality an ugly person has to have just to compete with some who is beautiful. I personally know a few people who are good looking but I can't stand to talk to them further than saying hello. Rachel Dratch is funny, Kim Kardashian...not so much. I've never laughed at one thing Kim said because it was funny.
How do we resolve this discouraging chasm? Plastic surgery! When a baby is born, you can tell if that will be an ugly adult. It is at that point that the parents should be legally bound to begin raising funds for their childs surgery. Now the surgery shouldn't happen right away. Let the ugly baby mature into an ugly teen and force them to develop a personality to make up for their facial deficiencies. Then when they turn 18...surprise. New face to go along with what is probably a great personality. The person can elect to not have the surgery too however. If they don't want the money then they are forced to spend the money on a few items: Star Wars costumes, a flute, clarinet, or trumbone, and clothes strictly from wal mart. Because lets face it, if they don't fix that face thats there future!
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