For those of you who don't know, Jerry Sanduski (above) was accused of raping/sodomizing young boys while coaching at Penn State University and now there is a big stink about an alleged cover up. Well I'm not here to discuss who was wrong at the university, or if Joe Paterno should have lost his job over this whole thing. What I am here to talk about is "Is having sex with little boys wrong?"
Now before you get you collective panties in a bunch hear me out. Older WHITE MEN have been having sex with boys for as long history has been documented. In the Ancient Roman empire it was common place for older men(always white) to have sex with young boys. It was a way to show your status. What better way to show everybody that you run shit than to have sex with a little boy right??? I mean everytime I get paid I say to myself, "I'm a boss, all I need now is a little boy to have sex with to show everybody how in charge I am". Clearly I am just joking but you get the point.
In summary (thank you college for showing me how to compose an argument lol), OF COURSE SEX WITH BOYS IS WRONG. I don't understand these sick people. What is attactive about a young boy that makes you want to have sex with him. These old white dudes are crazy. Just molesting people left and right. The only alleged black molester was Michael Jackson and he was acquitted everytime, and then his appearance changed to white. Therefore he was white when he was doing sexual deviant stuff and black when making hit music. I rest my case!
I'm not even going to just generalize white men, but reading this prompted me to think and wonder why is that whenever there is some child sexual abuse case that occurs in the church; it always seems to occur in the catholic church???