First off, I wish to let you guys know how physically uncomfortable it made me to google the term Gay Guys to come up with a semi reasonable picture that wasn't too explicit...while at work nonetheless. You guys better understand the extent of my commitment to you because this was remarkably difficult for me. On another side note, how funny is this picture? Not because its two gay guys hugging but because the one in the front looks like he's half drunk and didn't want this event to be documented LOL. Check out the chest hair too. Anyway, lets get to my gripe.
Gay Guys, whats the deal with the gay lisp??? I don't understand it. Is it not possible to be gay without the lisp, or is there a gay exam that must be taken? I can picture a class full of guys waiting to get their gay certificate (similar to karate class when they test for belts), and at the end the Gay Sensai walks up to each candidate and has them say a sentence. If there is no gay lisp, then no gay certificate for you. But seriously guys, I'm not going any harder (no pun intended) on you than I would any other group. I just don't get it; is it not possible to be gay and keep the voice you've always had? If I want to become a Tool, I don't put on a Jersey Shore accent. The same way its possible for me to be a black dude and not speak like DMX.
Gay Guys get it together. I won't stand for it.
*This message has been approved by the Gay Guy Council on Gay Speech*
I have no issue with gay men, I disagree with and don't understand it but neither of which is strong enough to condem them. But with that said I STRONGLY believe that ACTIVELY BI-SEXUAL men should be imprisoned until they are ready to choose sides.