Friday, February 3, 2012

President Obama is Coming...Be Very Afraid

Hey you racist bastards, it seems like President Obamas plan is working.  The economy is turning around, I mean really though always leave it to the black guy to clean the mess up nicely.  According to CNN, the jobless rate has dropped to 8.3 percent. The lowest it has been since he took office. There is an old negro saying that goes "whatever a rich, stupid, spoiled white person leaves in disarray; a handsome, well endowed, basketball playing negro will vastly improve".  Ok, so thats not a real saying but it sure is true. I bet after reading that last part Laura Bush wishes George would have left her in the dust too so she could get a piece of that young stud Obama. 

In all seriousness though, there are only a two reasons why you can dislike our president.  Either you are misinformed or you are racist. Thats it. There is no other reason to dislike him. Every other black person is beloved for the reasons that he is hated.  He's black, good at sports, can dance and sing, and he's inspiring (pretty much Ray Lewis in The White House). Last time I checked people love Chris Brown and I just described him (minus the hitting Rihanna thing).  Continue to spew birth certificate rhetoric and say "he's a socialist", it really just makes you look stupid to your educated friends.  They only reason your Pro intelligence friends continue to keep you around is because they need someone to lick the battery to see if it still works....YOU STUPID RACIST BASTARD!

Here is the CNN article talking about the unemployment rate beginning to plummet.

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