Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Same Love

Only a person who has never been discriminated against can sit in their throne and discriminate. It angers me deeply that two consenting adults are not allowed to engage in an act that stands to harm no one but themselves. To think that just a few decades ago women couldn't vote, blacks were lynched, miscegenation was illegal, and the proponents of these laws felt as deeply impassioned about their cause as people do today about gay marriage.

In my opinion, those who sit in their throne and cast stones, simply lack empathy. They cannot put themselves in another persons shoes and imagine how it would feel to have a group of people tell you that your relationship is wrong. That you don't have the right to get married to the person you love because it is in a book older than us and our parents ages multiplied.

I thought the bible taught love, acceptance and brotherhood. However, all people have used it for has been hatred, war, and excuses. All I ask of those opposed to gay marriage, is to genuinely put yourself in the shoes of a gay person. You are deeply in love and cannot see yourself with another person. All you wish to do is cement your love for one another, and it to be accepted by those who love you, and of course a court of law. You are not recognized the same way your brother or sister is.

I hope in the coming days and weeks, as this topic is undertaken in many circles, that fruitful discussion is spurred. That maybe a mind can be changed, and maybe even empathy be understood. Most importantly, I hope that we be the change that the world needs to see.

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